The lecture series is named honour of of Zbigniew Drecki, who nurtured the South West Academy in its early years. The lectures have ranged from personal accounts given by distinguished artists to fascinating journeys in art and philosophy, and even a dramatic presentation.
For an account of Zbiegniew Drecki’s life, scroll down this page.
2025 - Presentation
Tuesday 13th May - Presentation by Luke Shepherd at RAMM Exeter; details to follow.
2024 - Presentation
Tuesday 7th May - Pesentation by Hon. Academician John Hurford and Dr Ivan Tacy;
John will talk about his life in art and Ivan will talk about his work in S E Asia and his collaboration with John.
2022 Presentation
Presentation by Hon. Academician John Hurford. Details to be announced.
2019 Revealing Light with Elaine M. Goodwin
Presented by the distinguished mosaic artist Elaine. M. Goodwin.
2018 Phil Creek Hon. SWAc: A Life in Art
2017 Peter Randall Page
"Geometry is the theme on which nature plays her infinite variations, fundamental mathematical principles become a kind of pattern book from which nature constructs the most complex and sophisticated structures".
2016 On Michael Morgan
The Lecture was on the Work and life of Michael Morgan SWAc and was held in conjunction with the Friends of the Royal Albert Memorial Museum.
2014 Ray Balkwill: An Artists' View
The Drecki Lecture for 2014 was given by distinguished Academician Ray Balkwill on November 26 at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum.
2013 True Art Stories
In 2013 we experienced the fascinating True Art Stories as told by award winning artist and author Laurence Anholt: revealing fascinating insights into the lives of the famous artists who have become household names for us all.
2012 Alan Cotton: A Painter's Journey to Everest
The Academy's President Emeritus took us on a fascinating journey through much of his own life as an artist, each painting helping the audience to see 'through his eyes'.
2011 Yazmina Reza's ART
2010 The Artist & The Poet
The South West Academy owes a great debt of gratitude to Zbigniew Drecki, the painter and philanthropist, and his wife Jo Drecki. The Drecki Memorial Lecture was established to honour his memory. The following text is a personal recollection of Zbigniew Drecki by David Bazell.
If Auschwitz prisoner No. 214, in pursuing an interest and flair for painting after the war, had daubed away in blacks and greys, perhaps with an occasional dash of red, it might have been perfectly understandable.
But Zbigniew Drecki did no such thing. His canvasses emerged with colours that were largely to become the way one saw him - an eternal spring season despite the wartime hell he had had to endure. His experiences in the camps had been such that almost as a medical necessity he had to live away from Britain in the wintertime, and eventually it drove him to build a home in Florida. But he never laid aside his art and with his wife Jo continued to share his time with his home in Exmouth where he lived for many years and at one time ran a painting school. He had met Jo at the Ockenden Venture, set up after the war for the care and education of refugee children from Displaced Persons Camps in German, when Jo was an English Teacher.
Zbigniew Drecki almost always had a ready smile, and a deep seated sense of humour often came to the fore during our many conversations. He was always willing to speak about the Death Camp - even including small acts of kindness that showed up against the backdrop of generally overwhelming inhumanity - and more than once referred, with a hint of that impish smile that often crossed his face, to the times he cheated the ovens, assisted on one occasion - he had been the very next in line to be shot against the wall next to the infamous Block 10 - by an unexpected visited to the camp by Hitler which interrupted that particular programme and consequently saved his life.
Invariably, however, he would return to the passion in life which consumed him as much as his oils: the creation of a world order for peace and stability. Almost his final words to me, as he lay dying in his Exmouth home, Zbigniew was to say: 'Life is wonderful; it is only people who spoil it.' He referred to conflicts around the globe and the consequent inhumanities that sometimes matched the worst excesses of the Third Reich about which he knew only too well as a survivor of the first transport to Auschwitz in June, 1941, and who after being transferred for a spell at Buchenwald, escaped on a night train taking him to Dachau.
He asked me to write of his ideas for future conduct worldwide to the Secretary General of the United Nations. Listening to him trying to recount what he had failed to do in his life made me feel I had at least to do this much for him; he felt strongly that his survival placed on him a duty to achieve something for all those who perished. Well, Kofi Annan has Zbigniew's views. And the vision of this remarkable man from Warsaw is set down and available in the latter part of his moving book, Freedom and Justice. He wrote letters to anyone influential, from world leaders to ordinary newspaper reporters - to anyone he thought might listen - to try to make a lasting contribution on the victims' behalf. He tried.
Formidable in stature and presence, Zbigniew Drecki, from Warsaw, was a gentle and quiet-spoken man. He very often painted away furiously; at one time, a room of his home in Albion Hill was stacked to the ceiling with his work. Scores upon scores of paintings, mostly colourful and pacific, emerged. He seemed to get a real buzz from them, showing them, holding them up. 'What do you think?'. Who knows, perhaps he received a kind of energy from them, even providing a light for his darkness.
Zbigniew Drecki
Painting by Zbigniew Drecki