Alan Humphries SWAc Assoc.
Alan Humphries has had a lifelong passion for photography and attended the Leica Academy in the 1980s and 90s at both Milton Keynes and Solms. During his working life as a Chartered Shipbroker, Alan became a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers in 1987, it provided him with an all-consuming interest, apart from his allotment.
He enjoyed the challenge of negative and slide photography both in monochrome and colour. His work was varied but initially tended to concentrate on landscape and seascape as well as the minutiae of the working environment around him. One of his projects at this time was the demise of Exmouth as a working port.
The advent of the digital medium reinvigorated Alan’s image making. He now concentrates on shapes, textures and forms often with a limited palate and this has engendered greater creativity and added value to the perceived image. It has enabled him to encourage people to do more than look at the world around them but to really SEE and understand the detail in all its forms that make up the environment in which they live.
Alan has contributed extensively to the exhibitions of the organisations to which he belongs. In 2000 he was a founding member of the Societeit Zilt, an arts society in The Netherlands, and contributes regularly to their work. He had a one man exhibition in The Netherlands in 2009.
Alan gives presentations on a range of aspects of his work throughout the region.
Painter's Palette, Photograph